We are so excited to invite you to yet another opportunity to center equity and justice with your kiddos at the 4th Annual Antiracist Family Day. Hosted by the Brooklyn Public Library and the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, this event is THE most fun blend of joy and justice.
Adam and I are looking forward to leading a new activity called “Design Your Own Antiracist Superhero!”
It’s happening this Thursday 2-5pm ET on the rooftop of the Brooklyn Children’s Museum.

Some activities going down are:
Books Unbanned browsing library
Antiracist Storytimes with BPL librarians
Local Author book signing & activities with Justine A.P. Louis
Art and Action with One Love Community Fridge
Seed Bombs & Compost Education with East NY Farms
Antiracist Parenting 101 with Tabitha and Adam
Musical performance with Lavender Blues
Book giveaways, raffles and library resources
Hope you can make it! Come say hi to us if you do. We love meeting people IRL.
That’s it from us for today. Short and sweet :)
Take care of yourselves and love up on your kids, okay?
Tabitha & Adam