INVITE: Webinar & Playgroup-Exploring Identity and Belonging With Young Children
Come join us online and in-person!
Today’s email is short and sweet. Adam and I wanted to share with you some exciting happenings this Fall that you - yes, YOU! - can join to deepen your education, knowledge and understanding as it pertains to raising your little ones grounded in practices of justice and equity.
Firstly! I’ll be joining our friends at VIVVI to talk about belonging and identity for little kids. It’s happening 09/19/2024 at 12noon ET.
We’ll answer questions like:
Where to even start with kids this young?
DO we even need to start when they’re tiny and can’t even speak yet?
What is the best approach for little children to teach them about identity and belonging?
AND, we get this question a lot!
What do I do if my child points out something about another person’s identity in public loud enough for them to hear?
We’ll be delving into a whole lot more so register HERE.
Secondly, once you learn with other adults online on Sept. 19th, come join Adam and I in person at VIVVI for Exploring Identity and Belonging Through Play, a fun play session for your little ones. This playgroup is open to families AND kids ages 0-5 (if you have an older sibling in the fam, it’s totally okay for them to tag along but the program will cater to ages 0-5). It’s happening 09/21 in NYC from 10-11:30am ET.
Join us for movement, play, games and snacks as we merge lessons on equity, belonging and identity with some good ole fun for your little ones. Be sure to register to save your spot. Register HERE.
In summary,
You don’t want to miss these.
That’s it for today, y’all. Love up on your kids, okay? And if you survived Back to School with your wits about you (we did not), you deserve a medal. Tell us how you did it because whew!
Take care,
Tabitha & Adam